Rooibois is an African drink extracted by the infusion of the piant’s namesake. In Japan is defined “the tea of long life”
After the excesses, alcoholic drinks and footstuffs, to which we have exposed our organism during the festivity, Rooibois help us with its countless depurative propiety and not only. It is a beverage totaly deprive of caffeine and theine, so can be consumed also by the children and by the pregnant women. It is adaptogen: consumed during the day instil you energy, before to sleep instead relax you.
Rooibois conteins vitamins and minerals which carry out an anti-age action contrasting the free radicals.
It helps to balance the ph inasmuch safeguard the organism.
It is antiviral and antibacterial, so is perfect in the case of influences and virus.
Detox the liver and protect it from the fat’s accumulation.
It has benefits on hypertension, vascular problems and cancer.
I have started to drink the tea because my consumity of cofee was becaming excessive. It has a taste pleasant and you will do a lot of “ plin plin”. I noticed that, during the day, instil me a very charge of energy, above mental, and i haven’t any problem of over-excitement or insomnia, algso because without caffeine and theine is a little difficult…
The quantivity of minerals and vitamins make the beverage ideal during the menopause inasmuch reinforce the bones. To difference of the green tea doesn’t make any problem in the case if drank it in excess. It is ideal for the children when have colic for the athlete to fight the arteriosclerosis. Therefore, this beverage is the ideal to put the organism back after a food-marathon like that of the Christmas’s holidays.
Now you just have to go in a shop of our Rooibois, melted or small paper bag, and you taste it during all the day.
I was born in Milan where, very young, I started working in fashion, growing up three beautiful children and cultivating my passions for contemporary art, the search for unique and unobtainable pieces, good food and elegance in all its forms.
I created this blog to share all this with you and transport you in a unique shopping experience.